Well, well, well...fancy seeing you here. I thought you left. But I know, you just couldn't stay away...
The Updates:
First up--Fiesta!!!! Yep, FIESTA!!! In Moscow! In Russia! I made the pinata. See, mis amigos and I decided we were sick and tired of the Russian diet (you know, that bread based on bread-based diet), so we threw a Mexican fiesta, with all the stuff--most of the ingredients, by the way, were courtesy of the United States Embassy. God the bless the US of A for taco shells and salsa dip.
Many people were invited, and I think they all came. At least, that's what it felt like. It was held at Jeff's professor's place (the guy is actually our age), which he never uses apparently. We also celebrated Alex and Jack's birthdays! (The youngest and the oldest in our group, I believe.) And we got to scare all the neighbors when we took swings at the pinata, which I named
Monsier Blu, because he was blue and looked like a french fry...and that was the first thing that came into my head.
I would like to add that one of our (Russian) guests said that it was so strange to be in Russia, in Moscow, having a Mexican fiesta, and talking to a bunch of Americans. Heheheh...

Yeah, we ate that pretty quickly.
Group shots! I could explain who everyone is, but I'm lazy.

Alright, here are pics of my awesome dorm room, just for those who were curious. Basically, we live in a two person, two seperate room, dorm, with a bathroom and toilet in each "block", I guess you could call it. The room are exact mirrors of each other, although mine tends to be a bit messier. This was laundry day when I took this, so don't mind the pants hanging over the chairs--they're just chillin'.

Our internet: First, it comes in from the outside, from a complex system of wires (which you'll see later), then travels through this box...

...into my room...

...and finally reaches my computer...

My stuff holder.

My bed. (Sorry about the angle there)

And they even gave me hangers, how nice.

Le bathroom.

And the All Seeing Eye? Nah...that's just the light.
Kitchen pics:

Easter lunch/supper:

And Easter snow:

It snowed, and snowed, and snowed. You know what the funniest thing was? The one's who refused to believe it was snow, and kept on roller blading....

As you can see in the picture above, there are many entangled wires. These wires are the internet. Now you know why they call it the "internet".
And after the snow. Lots of pretty, pretty:

Some random shots I took one day:

Well, it's been pretty much the same ol'-same ol', though I have learned a few new card games, and ate fish from Lake Baikal. And I watched the new 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' movie and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' in Russian. Speaking of which, this language is hard, man...to speak, that is. I can usually generally understand a person when they speak in Russian, but the heck if I can communicate back to them. It usually results in really bad Russian mixed with English and whole lot of body language. I might not be an expert in Russian, but I'll be the master at charades by the time I'm done here. It's the Russian grammer....oye....too many words can change--your name can change--depending on too many things. For instance, you want to get just one (
odiin) thing? No, you can't just say
odiin, it's
odnu for this, or
odna for that... Think
gohda, and
lyet are different things? Nope. They're the same thing: "year/years", just used for different numbers. But hey, at least the English language seems to be butting its way into Russian society, mostly because of technology, and the best part? A lot of the new English words don't change, unless it's your name. Yep, that's your average level 3 language for ya. Only 693 more hours to go until I reach "immediate fluency". Oh yeah.
Tons of love,