Last weekend, we went to Vladimir and Suzdal, two city/towns outside of Moscow part of the "Golden Ring"--sites that were established during the very early days of Russia's formation. There are a lot monuments and cathedrals, and some awesome scenery. I liked Suzdal the best, but I'll start out with Vladimir.
Vladimir was the first place we went to before moving onto Suzdal, where we spent the night. The weather looked to be disappointing, but actually held out nicely for our time in both places. My overall impression of Vladimir was that it seemed like the Soviet Union tried to do a lot to industrialize it and build it up into a more thriving city, but after the fall, it was left unmaintained and somewhat forgotten, except for its cathedrals, which are possibly Vladimir's only saving grace.
We didn't stay there for too long, comparred to Suzdal, but I still enjoyed the country-side views we got from atop the museums and cathedral sites that we visited.

Wedding celbrations were going on all day.... Here, cars would drive around and around the Golden Gate honking their horns--generally making a lot of noise, but it was pretty fun to watch. It's always fun to watch other people being crazy and silly. Hmmm...maybe that's why we get so many stares...

Then we moved onto the Assumption Cathedral, and man, was it beautiful inside. We couldn't take pictures of the inside, but yeah, it was pretty cool...and big. It is still what it is too, a church, and people were going in a out, praying and lighting their candles at various icon paintings of the saints and Jesus; many women, mostly the older women, wore the head-scarves, according to the Christian Orthodox tradition. There was also the preserved remains of a prince in there, but I've forgotten the name.

Semi-gypsy cab ride to Suzdal up next.
Lots of love,
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